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Passion = What’s so meaningful to you that you crave it and become enthusiastic about it; an inward impact

Purpose = What you were put on this earth to do; an outward impact

Make sure you are clear on who you are, what you do, and why you do it. To understand your calling is to understand yourself. To know what your purpose is, you must know who YOU are… your characteristics, your strengths, your talents. Once you have a good grasp on all of this, things will flow naturally.

Every single one of us is equipped with a gift that can have a lasting impact on others. It is our personal responsibility to discover exactly what that gift is, and to use it well to fulfill our purpose.

I used to think passion was what kept me going, what kept me pushing through a setback. I thought passion was where my strength lied. Passion alone did not have that power; however, passion coupled with purpose absolutely did have ALL the power.

Purpose is what gives you strength. It’s what gets you to take that leap of faith. It’s what gets you to wipe those tears and stay focused. Purpose gives you grit. Purpose is bigger than just you. Purpose is what drives you to fight for the greater good.

The dream is to fulfill your purpose through your passion. In my opinion, they are very much interrelated. I truly believe what sets your soul on fire is aligned to why it’s been put on this earth at this time. I also believe that if you’re so far off your life’s path of purpose, the universe might need to shake your life to its core to course correct…

Your purpose is great. And anything that is great doesn’t come easy or without fear. It comes with a responsibility, a duty. It asks you to be brave and stand your ground. It will ask more of you than you might have, but once you accept your responsibility, the universe gives you strength and will move mountains to make the seemingly impossible your reality. I believe that if you choose not to accept your purpose, you could be content, but you may never be fully fulfilled. Your purpose is your guiding light. If you want to be fully fulfilled and experience inner peace and ultimate happiness, it is critical that you focus on your own authentic creativity.

Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this authentic creativity and purpose is key. It is important to understand what you are here to do — and then to pursue that with passion and enthusiasm. We are all born with a meaningful purpose, which is something that we must discover for ourselves. That purpose just needs to be uncovered to create the life you want.

Follow what your heart tells you and trust your inner guidance always. Every time you have a preference for something, you are revealing an intention. Once you are clear about what you want and keep your mind constantly focused on it, the how will keep showing up—sometimes exactly when you need it.

Some questions to ask yourself that could help you clarify your passion or your purpose are…

What do I love to do? What did you love to do as a child? (our truest passions tend to emerge in childhood)

What am I really looking for in life? Career wise, relationship wise, lifestyle wise…

What gives meaning to your life? I’m talking TRUE meaning. For me, I know I feel the happiest when I’m sharing my own light and helping others find theirs.

What do you want? What is your principle desire in life?

What are your strengths? Use them to your advantage.

What brings you joy? The things that bring you the greatest joy are typically in alignment with your purpose.

The fact that we are passionate about something is often a sign that that is where we are being called to be. It is not a coincidence that certain things are placed inside your heart. You were created with those desires in your heart, and with your own particular strengths and traits. You are equipped with these strengths and traits so that you are able to give back to the world in your own unique way. That is how you do your life’s work.

You have a choice everyday on where you put your energy. Thoughts become things, Direct your attention towards your purpose and make it a reality. Passion is energy. Feel the power than comes from focusing on what makes you feel alive. Don’t settle. Don’t choose security. Don’t choose existence. Choose to live passionately. You energy elevates this way.

Every year, I attend the IDEA PTI fitness conference (which happened to be this past weekend) and IDEA WORLD fitness conference… and every year during these conferences my passion for fitness gets reignited and the new knowledge re-energizes me. I found my sweet spot — where my passion and my purpose align — and I am extremely grateful for that. But I still feel that it is important to check in with myself often and ask myself the questions above to make sure that my work continues to be fueled by what I love most. Discovering and honing your path in life doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a continual journey. Be compassionate with yourself along the way. Your passion and interests can change over time with the seasons in your life – so trust the process and the journey that you are on. While it may take some intention and effort, figuring out what your calling is—how you can live a life that’s in the highest service to yourself and others—is well worth it!

Book Recommendation: Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom

A bit religious, but one we all could learn from – the values taught, and the beautiful quotes are what make this book so amazing. This book is also a great reminder that all religions can walk hand in hand, respecting one another regardless our beliefs, culture, and traditions. Have a Little Faith is a book about a life’s purpose; about losing belief and finding it again; about the divine spark inside us all. It is one man’s journey, but it is everyone’s story. This book validates all expressions of faith in the search for meaning and community.

I was given this book as a gift (shortly after it was published & released in 2009 – it was the No.1 book on The New York Times Non-fiction Best Seller list at the time) from my neighbor and good friend, Amy, while finishing college at West Virginia University. I have probably re-read this book at least 5x and it is one I’ll hold on to forever

.Faith isn’t just religion – having faith in ourselves and having faith that things will work out well is just as important. Life is cyclical and there are always ups and downs. When Amy had gifted this book to me, I was trying to figure out my purpose, as most soon to be college graduates are trying to do… my initial plan was dental school to follow in my father’s footsteps, take over his practice, etc… I realized after some time, that this wasn’t where my heart was. This was not my passion at all. (OK- yes, I am obsessed with bright, shiny smiles😁 🦷, but that’s not what dentistry is all about) I was drawn to psychology, to fitness, to helping others. That is what brought me all the joy. And so, I was able to bridge my passions to find my sweet spot and that’s how I got to where I am today… waking up every single day, doing exactly what I love to do, and what I truly believe I was called to do.


“In the beginning, there was a question. In the end, the question gets answered.”
― Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith: A True Story